Empowering Women to Ride!

With my recent announcement on Instagram that I am pivoting to professional cycling, I wanted to take a few minutes to explain my mission as I work to make it to the pointy end of the women’s cycling field. I’d estimate that on any one ride I see one female rider for every five male riders. I’ve always wondered why that is! I mean, it’s not like there are more men than women in this world!

By my best estimates, I believe this discrepancy has to do with a few things:

1) Gender Inequality - Generally cycling has been a male-dominated sport and when we see cyclists on TV we see mostly the men’s races being broadcast. For instance, ever wondered why there is no women’s Tour de France? Inequality in cycling has been an issue for years. There are forces within the women’s cycling world working hard to fight this and I want to be on that team. Because you know what? Cycling is FUN! Everyone should have access to it, including women.

2) Resources- I’ve come across more resources for men in cycling than women. Everything from gear choice, to training, and beyond. I’d like to raise the bar by providing more resources for women to get into cycling. For instance, why aren’t there more conversations amongst females about topics like managing your period/PMS while training, cycling while pregnant or how to find the perfect saddle to fit the female anatomy? We should TALK about it! Because we NEED to talk about it. We should not be ashamed to be women and to want to be strong and fast and kick some ass (men, we are coming for ya!)

3) Role models/mentors- We need more role models in women’s athletics. That’s not to say there aren’t any but I’m calling all my female athletes to step up! Let’s encourage young women to be strong and confident in their bodies and find their niche in athletics if they are so inclined. There’s too much junk out there about how to look, how to dress, what’s cool, what’s not. Even though I am on one of the nicest bikes in the cycling industry, I could be happy on A BIKE, period! Let me rip around, feeling the sensation of the world passing by me at a million miles a minute and I’m a happy woman. Let’s not let materialism, sexism, or anything else hold us back from stepping into our passion. And if I’m going to call other female athletes to step up and be role models, well I’m sure going to do the same myself. Because I never ask someone to do something I’m not willing to do.

Over the next few months I’m taking each of these issues above and addressing them in a way that I am capable of helping. I will be partnering with companies that embody my vision and align with my mission. I’m going to give this endeavor everything I have, because my platform is my sport and I sure am not going to work hard for nothing.

To the women! Let’s ride!


Jennifer Lentzke