Park City Wellness Spring 2020 Newsletter

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Unprecedented. Unimaginable. Unbelievable.

I’ve heard our current situation described in a variety of different ways, many of which could instill fear, anxiety and a sense of doom-like uncertainty inside you. We find ourselves in such a unique time. The world is essentially shut down. People are sick and dying. Yet somehow, there is this glimmer of hope…this knowing that there must be something more to the COVID19 epidemic than just doom and gloom. My hope is that you find some of that in this newsletter. I’ve included tips on how to optimize your health (mental and physical) during a time of uncertainty and change, some feel-good stories from my clients, and few other resources that I thought you’d find helpful in this season. I don’t find it a coincidence that Spring is upon us. To me Spring has always represented new beginnings…and, if you look close enough and find the “opportunity” I still very much believe this literal and figurative season we are in can be a time for ‘new beginnings, positivity and personal growth.’

Blessings to you dear friends. Stay healthy, stay resilient, stay grounded.


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Stride for stride, we can stay healthy together.


The news is riddled with advice, strategies and information on “how not to get sick” during the COVID19 epidemic. I assume most are informed in this sense. My encouragement to you is to use this season to really slow down the pace of your life and use it as an opportunity to enhance your wellbeing. It seems ironic that in a time of world sickness and poor health we can seek out optimal, but I believe it to be possible. I’ve had many clients approach me wanting to use this time to dial in nutrition, try something new from an exercise standpoint or work on their mental and spiritual health. My suggestion is to pick one or two health goals for each month and make a concerted effort to make them habit. It doesn’t have to be anything mind blowing. It can be something as simple as “drink more water” or “kick that bedtime snacking habit.” Whatever it is for you, make sure it’s relevant, achievable and practical. I myself figure, if I have the time to focus on certain personal weaknesses or areas of improvement now, why not?!

And a side note to mention that if for some reason in this season of change and adapting you find yourself in a situation where you feel overwhelmed and taking on new roles as a parent, spouse, employee, boss, etc…that’s ok too. Everyone is experiencing this epidemic and it’s impact in a different way. It IS ok if you are “just getting by.” My only advice is seek support, ask for help and don’t be afraid to acknowledge that you may be struggling.

Whatever your goals are this season, I am always willing to help!

Read on for some stories on what JL clients are doing to stay physical and mentally healthy during the COVID quarantines around the country.


Briggette Quinn and her family completing a group workout together…a time for family bonding, fitness building and optimizing health!

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Trish Shreeve made headbands for the local Utah nurses. These headbands help to keep the hair out of their eyes without having to touch their face. Trish shows us how we can help others during this time…a great way to enhance our own mental heath!

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Trish modeling her home-made headbands.

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With most group fitness facilities closed it can seem like an additional hurdle has been placed between you and your fitness goals. There are so many ways to stay fit during the COVID19 season, especially with the weather turning towards warmth all over the country! Here are a few fun ways to get moving and maintain your health:

Get outside! Whether you enjoy mountain biking, walking, running or strength work, there is no better time to enjoy the nice weather.

Find a virtual community to motivate you! Your gym may be offering online classes or you may simply want to link up with some friends to do virtual rides, runs, etc. Just because we aren’t physically together doesn’t mean we cannot foster a sense of community.

Set goals and create accountability. I find the biggest hurdle most people are trying to overcome right now is that they feel “lost” and without direction, especially in these times of uncertainty with sporting events and fitness services being cancelled all over the country. Having someone you can be accountable to is key! It can be a family member, spouse, co-worker, coach, etc. Now get out there and crush your fitness goals! Your progress is only limited by how well you set yourself up for success…

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Recently I had the unique opportunity to sit down with Bicycling Magazine and discuss the implications the COVID19 has had on the sporting community. Click the link below to access the article online:



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As far as health goes, if you did nothing beyond managing your nutrition well during this virus season, you’d be setting yourself up for success from a variety of different standpoints: increased immunity, enhanced energy, improved mental health to name a few. Many are finding the COVID situation unique from a nutritional standpoint. Some markets are out of many fresh foods and access to food in general has it’s limitations with social distancing being key, limited store hours and more. Here are some easy ways to ensure you are getting the nutrition you need:

Produce is best purchased fresh for seasonal items which may be more readily available and frozen for non-seasonal items. Most stores are stocking up on frozen items more readily as they are better prepared to handle the demand. Check labels to ensure you are purchasing frozen produce without added sodium, sugar, preservatives, etc.

Proteins such as fresh fish and meat can be harder to locate. Most frozen sections carry ready-made or raw protein sources that can be easily thawed and prepared with dried herbs and spices for exceptional flavor. If you are purchasing your proteins in packaged form (for example, packaged chicken breast in the frozen section), make sure to read the labels and check that you are purchasing an option that doesn’t come loaded with unnecessary sodium, preservatives, etc.

Grains and healthy fat sources seem to be the easier items to locate. Search out bulk items such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, nuts and seeds. Meals at home don’t need to be overly complicated or creative. For the time being keep it simple.

Here’s an example of a quick and easy home-made meal:

Thaw raw frozen chicken breast and season with herbs and spices of your choosing. Bake for 45 minutes or until cooked through (at 350F) and serve over roasted vegetables including cubed sweet potato, green and yellow squash and carrots (chop, drizzle with olive oil, rosemary and sea salt and bake for 25 minutes while chicken in cooking). Top with chopped walnuts and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Make extras for leftovers. Easy enough!


Stay Connected



Jennifer Lentzke