Nutrition and Immunity

It’s Monday afternoon here in northern Utah and I am enjoying the new layer of snow that has blanketed the mountains. It reminds me that ‘tis the season!’ The weather is turning cooler in most states and definitely colder in the northern states which means flu season is upon us. We also find ourselves in a global pandemic which is only getting worse. In fact, we are in a two week ‘caution phase’ here in Utah as our COVID19 numbers have skyrocketed. All this has my mind thinking about nutrition’s role in immunity and I wanted to share a few tips on how to best bolster your immune system this winter.

But first, a few thoughts on COVID19 and prevention. Although this topic has been divisive, I’m going to say it here from a medical, nutritional and scientific standpoint: the COVID19 virus travels though salivary droplets in the air and we take it in via our eyes, nose and mouth. Therefore, social distancing and wearing a properly fitting mask over your mouth and nose (in addition to frequent hand washing, sanitizing and avoiding touching your eyes) IS EFFECTIVE IN PREVENTING THE SPREAD OF COVID19. This is is true for both the person transmitting the virus and the person getting the virus. Both parties are responsible for keeping themselves and others healthy.

Do your part and consider not only your wellbeing but the well being of others. This is not a hoax, this is science. This is not about taking away your human rights this is about the call to be a good neighbor, a kind human and caring for those around you even if it means you have to put some fabric over your face. That’s all I’m going to say about that and I think this clarifies my thoughts on those with arguments against mask mandates and social distancing. Be a kind human and do your part for the benefit of all.

Now on to nutrition and immunity. Below are three areas which you can focus on improving to boost your immunity this winter:

What you eat: Duh! Right?! But it’s so true. Your body literally IS what you eat! Eating inflammatory foods like processed, packaged foods or foods high in sodium, sugar or both can wreak havoc on your immune system and more specifically your gut. Your gut is covered in bacteria which can be good for you or bad for you depending on the foods you eat! Nourish yourself with healthful foods that are high in vitamins and minerals (think darkly colored fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins) and you are guaranteed to have a healthy gut. Seventy percent of your immune systems is housed in your gut so you can see why nutritious food and consequently a heathy gut are so important.

Immune-boosting compounds: There are certain foods or extracts from foods that can especially help with immunity. Currently we are discovering the power of adaptogenic mushrooms (no…not those kind of mushrooms!). Certain types of mushrooms such as Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps and Lions Mane are incredibly helpful in boosting immunity by helping the body adapt to stress, whether it be cold winters or flu season (or just trying to get through 2020!). Additional adaptogenic compounds include Ashwaganda, Rhodioloa and Echinacea.

Sleep: Didn’t think I’d mention this one, huh? But when you really stop to think about it, this makes sense! The foods you eat will absolutely affect your sleep and without proper sleep our immune system is shot! Certain foods can either help or hinder sleep. Most of us know too much caffeine, sugar or spicy food can affect it but also not getting enough of some foods can affect our sleep as well. For instance, melatonin, a neurotransmitter which helps with sleep is made from serotonin and tryptophan which comes from whole grains and certain animal proteins. We also produce other neurotransmitters via the foods we eat and you can imagine they are most likely not made from junk food! For sleep support, a good starting point is the Klova Patch (this link will get you 20% off) and dialing in your nutrition. Additional interventions can be implemented as needed and on a case by case basis.

I hope the information above gives you a great starting point for boosting your immunity this winter. As always, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Stay health, stay safe.


Jennifer Lentzke